Howie - My Little HowieBean

This is a collection of some of my favorite pictures of my little HowieBear. My maternal clock isn't exactly ticking (nor am I even certain whether or not it has batteries) so Howie is as close to my child as one can be! I found him at the Humane Society and it was love at first sight. DH and I love him to Reese's pieces!

When I first found him at the Humane Society. Look at that face - can you believe someone gave him up?!
We had to shave him... bahahaha...
He's a sleepy puppy
He knocked over the trashcan and got into some marinara sauce and then tried to act like he didn't do it, but the evidence was written all over his face!
He likes to cuddle with Daddy!
Howie's a Red Sox fan, I'm not so sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
My little fuzz ball
Howie got tired while driving all the way back home and he fell asleep cuddling with his Barney! I promise I snapped this at a red light!
He also likes to swim! Not really. But he does enjoy sitting on the top step.